Display number of history builds in dashboard. Fix the bug that build is stoppable if an user is assigned with trigger build permission but without stop build permission. Fix the issue that embedded scripts in "label url" property of Subversion repository results in a build failure. Fix the issue that artifact publishing step runs slowly if publishing files from a directory containing a lot of files. Thanks Shawn Castrianni for the contribution. Use Subversion "switch" command to switch working copy if checkout url is changed from last build. Add "last successful", "last recommended" and "last failed" as changeset comparision choices. Add build aggregation option to queue to aggregate adjacent builds from the same configuration. Fix the bug that long error messages can not wrap automatically in the build overview page. Fix the bug that long commit comment can not be displayed completely in the build overview page. Fix the bug that CVS "-Q" option is placed behind cvs checkout command. UNABLE TO CONNECT TO QUICKBUILD WEBPAGE UPDATE
Fix the bug that CVS update sometimes retrieve unwanted directories from SCM.Display new revision at right side in the source diff window.
Display changes after artifacts in the build overview page. Display SCM changes after checkout step finishes instead of build finishes. Change build aggregation mechanism to use later builds and discard earlier builds. All users with "DELETE_BUILD" permission will be able to remove waiting builds. Remove the permission "REMOVE_WAITING_BUILDS". Be able to publish reports from absolute path through the "source directory" property defined in various report publish step. UNABLE TO CONNECT TO QUICKBUILD WEBPAGE INSTALL
Handle NT service uninstall and install in migration scripts under Windows.Document class .SimpleCalendar in script helper.Add predefined scripts for workspace and storage path.Enhance directory deletion logic to make it more error tolerant for non-normalized paths.Enhance html report publish step to be able to publish from absolute path.Fix the bug that multiple checkout steps using different CVS repositories works incorrectly.Fix the bug that agent sometimes can not be un-authorized.Add program version and data version to backup file.Add the enhancement that variable default value is displayed when prompted if the variable is not allowed to be empty.Fix the bug that variable prompt setting can not be changed after a variable is created.Fix the bug that EMMA statistics tab can not be shown sometimes.